New Planning Policy Wales Consultation
The Welsh Government has published a draft Edition 10 of Planning Policy Wales (PPW), representations to which are due on 18 May 2018. It has also published a separate consultation on changes to TAN1, the focus of which is the temporary removal of reference to attaching “considerable” weight to the lack of a five-year land supply as a material consideration in determining planning applications for residential development. Representations on this are due on 21 June 2018.
This re-worked version of PPW has been prepared in the light of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 (WFGA), restructured into broad policy themes and updated to reflect new Welsh Government strategies and policies.
Both consultations comes at a time of significant change in the Welsh planning system. Many issues are currently being discussed within the industry, not least in relation to well-being, local authority joint working, viability and deliverability. The new edition of PPW and revisions to TAN1 are intended to promote prosperity for all and support the creation of cohesive communities. This Insight Focus considers whether they will they achieve this goal and whether they might create any unintended consequences.
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