Places, people and planning – a new regime in Scotland
12 Jan 2017The Scottish Government has this week set out its thoughts on how it would like to reform the Scottish planning system, in ‘Places, People and Planning: A consultation of the future of the Scottish Planning System’. Submissions commenting on the proposals have to be made before 4thApril 2017.
The consultation paper was informed by an independent review that reported in May 2016 and by topic-based working groups in September 2016. Lichfields' Nicola Woodward was part of the Housing Working Group that fed into the document.
I am very pleased to see much of what the working group discussed reflected in the consultation - although the challenge of delivering more housing is far from resolved. Submissions to the Scottish Government should be made by developers and all others involved in the housebuilding sector, commenting in particular on the regional planning proposals and putting forward workable solutions for the thorny problem of identifying land and ensuring meaningful housing land allocations. Support should be given too, to proposals to streamline the system for consenting allocated sites; and feedback should be given on the ‘gatecheck’ and examination process proposed for local development plans.
Nicola Woodward, Planning Director and Head of Edinburgh Office
See Lichields' blog for more details