New Housing Need and Demand Assessment Tool
The Scottish Government has released an updated Housing Need and Demand Assessment (HNDA) tool to guide practitioners when estimating housing need in an area. Rather than being a tool of precision for estimating future housing need, the HNDA is designed to assist in giving broader estimates which span a greater length of time. In utilising the HDNA, it should enable local authorities to form Local Housing Strategies and enable land allocation decisions to be made. One of the main changes to the guidance is that all economic assumptions have been updated, in line with the latest economic outlook. There are also an increased number of scenarios, so that HDNA practitioners have a greater level of choice when planning housing need. Furthermore, in light of The Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 removing the requirement for strategic development plans, the HNDA tool no longer features four Strategic Development Planning Authorities. Instead, Local Authorities can choose to work on a regional basis which are referred to as ‘regional partnerships’ in the guidance.
Scottish Government, Housing Need and Demand Assessment 2020
Quote of the month
Following this consultation we will take into account the feedback received, finalise the proposals for changes and extensions to PDR and prepare regulations to be laid in the Scottish Parliament bringing changes to the General Permitted Development Order into effect. To ensure that there is adequate time for Parliamentary scrutiny and for the changes to come into force before the Scottish Parliament goes into pre-election recess, regulations need to be laid in Parliament in December 2020
Scottish Government, Permitted development rights - phase 1 priority development types: consultation |
Offshore Wind Policy Statement: Consultation analysis
The Scottish Government has published its findings after conducting a consultation on the Offshore Wind Policy Statement, which concluded in April this year. The consultation sought to understand views on the ways in which both fixed and floating offshore wind technologies can contribute to net zero carbon emissions by 2045, and the economic benefits to Scotland of commercialising offshore wind. In total, 48 responses were received, 42 from organisations and 6 from individuals. What was clear in the 48 responses received, was the perceived importance of offshore wind policy in meeting targets on climate change with many responses encouraging the Scottish Government to take an ambitious stance when setting targets.
However, common concerns included the capability of the grid capacity and current infrastructure to facilitate ambitious goals. Consequently it was widely encouraged that any policy statement should set out a clear path to enable detailed planning. It was also urged that supply chains be kept local to support local economies and that work is not exported overseas. In addition, the Contracts for Difference mechanism was frequently mentioned with a move towards annual auctions encouraged. It was also clear that planning between sectors would be required to enhance offshore wind in Scotland with the potential for the industry to contribute massively to net zero emission targets and grow the export market.
Scottish Government, offshore wind policy, consultation analysis
Consultation on Reviewing and Extending Permitted Development Rights in Scotland
The Scottish Government has sent a reminder for a consultation which is seeking views on the Programme for Reviewing Permitted Development Rights in Scotland. The consultation specifically focuses on the four development types selected for Phase 1 of the programme. It follows on from a previous consultation which focussed on the Proposed Work Programme and Sustainability Appraisal of options that ran from November 2019 to February 2020. Views are also being sought on the 2019 Sustainability Appraisal and a number of draft impact assessments which look at the potential ramifications of the proposed changes. The Consultation closes on 12 November.
Scottish Government, Reviewing and Extending Permitted Development Rights in Scotland, Consultation
Scottish Government publishes Q&A on future Pre-Application Consultation requirements
The Scottish Government has published feedback from an engagement event for the consultation on Pre-Application Consultation Requirements, which closed on 6 November 2020.
The feedback is in a question and answer format and provides some useful insight intend how the Scottish Government intends the new legislation and associated policy to be interpreted.
The outcome of the consultation is expected on 30 November 2020.
Scottish Government, Pre-Application Consultation (PAC) engagement eventsScottish Government, Proposed Changes to Pre-Application Consultation Requirements in Planning
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