Caitlin Attrill
Planner Thames Valley
BA (Hons), MSc
Caitlin joined Lichfields in September 2022 and has gained experience in a number of sectors. She is experienced in managing minor planning applications and has worked on a number of change of use projects, including in conservation areas and those involving listed building consents. Caitlin has supported senior staff in the preparation and submission of major planning applications with a particular focus on office and industrial projects, and has also gained project management experience here.
Most recently, she was a key supporting team member of an appeal inquiry against non-determination, assisting senior staff with the preparation of Proofs of Evidence and managing core documents throughout the process. Caitlin has recently gained experience through Lichfields’ contract with a Local Planning Authority in southern England as a planning officer, widening her planning knowledge beyond just private sector consultancy work.
Most recently, she was a key supporting team member of an appeal inquiry against non-determination, assisting senior staff with the preparation of Proofs of Evidence and managing core documents throughout the process. Caitlin has recently gained experience through Lichfields’ contract with a Local Planning Authority in southern England as a planning officer, widening her planning knowledge beyond just private sector consultancy work.