Growth Driver | Support for LEPs to Realise their Potential


Growth Driver

Supporting Local Enterprise Partnerships to realise their potential

Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) are uniquely positioned to provide the clear vision and strategic leadership needed to deliver sustainable economic growth. They give businesses a direct role in shaping the future of their local communities and are also an important mechanism for government to devolve powers and budgets.
The role of LEPs is set to become even more critical as government defines a new approach to driving growth and productivity through the industrial strategy. One that drives national success, but also ensures local people and places benefit directly.
This means that LEPs need access to up-to-date evidence in order to set clear strategy goals and make choices about where to focus investment, alongside demonstrating the impact of their interventions and how they can deliver the best value for public money.
Growth Driver provides a range of tools to help LEPs make informed decisions, articulate their case, secure investment and assess their impact.
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