Brooklands College


Brooklands College

Brooklands College and Cala Homes

Lichfields recently secured planning for the extension and refurbishment of Brooklands College, including new education facilities and the provision of 320 residential units at the site, within Elmbridge Borough Council area.
The education facilities comprise:
  •  A new College building which will provide specialist SEND and ASD accommodation;
  • New sports hall, gym, and community hub; and
  • The refurbishment of the existing college buildings.
The site is located within the Green Belt. Lichfields was instrumental in preparing and securing a ‘Very Special Circumstances’ case to outweigh the harm to the Green Belt. Crucially, the Officers’ report concluded that the development is in accordance with the Elmbridge’s development plan as a whole and with national policy.
The site also contains the Grade II listed building of Brooklands College, which is currently vacant and falling into a state of disrepair, including the building’s historic features. The application will result in a change of use of the building to residential flats. Of significance, Lichfields assisted Purcell and the wider team in formulating a strategy to secure the long-term future of the building and restore the historic gardens, in turn, improving the setting of the listed building.
We have worked closely with Council Officers and all stakeholders to deliver success for this major project in a Green Belt location. As planners, we want to see the creation of exciting and rewarding projects that will leave a long-lasting legacy. Redevelopment and refurbishment work can now move ahead, playing a key role in unlocking a new chapter for this site and securing its future place as a viable and attractive education facility hub, which will be used and enjoyed by thousands of people for years to come.”

Neil Goldsmith, Senior Director, Lichfields

Image credit: PRP