Doosan Babcock Active Waste Management Facility
Doosan Babcock
Doosan Babcock provides engineering and operational support services to the energy sector. At one of its facilities in Gateshead, Lichfields advised on the lawful planning use of the operation to help Doosan Babcock in its due diligence as part of its permitting regime under the Radioactive Substances Act. As well as carrying out engineering services and the manufacturing of components associated with the nuclear energy sector, the premises also incorporated an Active Waste Management facility whereby Doosan Babcock receive and treat radioactive waste. Having undertaken a detailed planning history review and visited the facility to gain a full understanding of the operations there, we were able to provide conclusive advice to assist Doosan Babcock in its future waste management processes. Lichfields has also acted for similar businesses that process naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM), having obtained planning permissions for the development of new facilities and their subsequent expansion.
For businesses involved in radioactive waste processing, it is important to know how the planning system operates alongside the environmental permitting regimes. Lichfields has this understanding and can provide bespoke advice to clients in the sector to support their diligent day-to-day operations.
Harvey Emms, Senior Director, Lichfields