Plot 12, Newcastle Quayside


Plot 12, Newcastle Quayside

East Quayside 12 LLP

The Plot 12 project seeks to deliver over 200 new apartments and bring forward a long empty development site on the banks of the River Tyne. Lichfields Neighbourly Matters team provided daylight and sunlight analysis and advice throughout the design and planning process. We have been working closely with our Lichfields planning colleagues throughout the project and presented our findings during inquiry (APP/M4510/W/21/3283989).
The project was granted consent on the 6 May 2022 following the Appeal. Our involvement included providing design advice to the project architects through detailed iterative testing of the proposed scheme and its potential effects on neighbouring properties.
We worked closely with the design team, Lichfields planning colleagues and the client to ensure that development quantum and value is optimised, while ensuring appropriate natural light conditions within the new homes and neighbours remains.
Following the lodging of an appeal against the decision of the planning committee the Neighbourly Matters team were tasked with tackling objections raised by a Rule 6 Party 6 representation regarding impacts on natural light. Ultimately the Inspector agreed that despite deviations from the BRE Report guidance the balance fell in favour of the proposed development.

Toby Rogan-Lyons, Neighbourly Matters Director