Sheffield / Rotherham Employment Land Review
Sheffield City Council and Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council
Having already completed a study for Sheffield City Council, we were asked to produce a joint Employment Land Review for Sheffield and Rotherham, recognising that the two authorities make up a single Functional Economic Market Area.
Our approach was to explore how local commercial markets function, and identify the economic challenges and opportunities that they present. So we analysed data, talked to stakeholders and conducted business surveys. Crucially, we considered how economic restructuring – and a continued shift towards advanced manufacturing – would impact upon land needs. We also looked at how the Sheffield City Region Enterprise Zone might influence future land requirements.
Applying several different forecasting techniques, we estimated specific future land needs for the two areas. In order to support future economic prosperity, we considered these needs against existing supply, identifying a portfolio of sites that offer sufficient land of the right type, and in the right locations.
The ELR provides a solid, cross-boundary evidence base for the Sheffield-Rotherham economic area. We were impressed with Lichfields’ understanding and analysis of issues of demand and supply across local authority boundaries and with the quality of their final report. We’re confident that their robust evidence base will support preparation of our Local Plans.
Ryan Shepherd, Senior Planning Officer, Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council