UCL Cancer Institute
University College London
The UCL Cancer Institute is a world-leading teaching and research institute and forms part of UCL’s renowned medical school in Bloomsbury. Lichfields led a planning strategy to secure planning permission and conservation area consent to demolish an inter-war nurses’ home, which was judged to make a positive contribution to the Bloomsbury Conservation area. A second phase of the project, involving an extension for a bioinformatics unit, part of the genome research being undertaken at the Institute, was secured on appeal. Lichfields helped the University make a compelling medical research and community health benefits case in support of the proposal.
It was a great pleasure to help UCL achieve and realise its ambition for the Cancer Institute and then follow this with the extension to form the bioinformatics unit. The outcome is a facility which is contributing to major improvements in cancer treatments, like genome therapy, which can help save lives.
Hannah Whitney, Planning Director, Lichfields