This equates to 12.6% of England’s land area. Despite longstanding concerns from vocal campaigners about the threat from new development, the Green Belt actually grew by 8.6km2 between March 2022 and March 2023 as a result of land being re-designated. Indeed, since 1979, the Green Belt has grown by 56%. Since 1997[1] only 0.9% has been de-designated - a 55% net addition of Green Belt land since 1979, based on data up to 2022[2].
Senior Director, Head of Office
Planning Director
[1] House of Commons Library, Green Belt Research Briefing, December 2023
[2] House of Commons Library, Green Belt Research Briefing, December 2023 and National Statistics, Local authority green belt: England 2022-23 – technical notes, October 2023
[3] The research is based on adopted and emerging Local Plan information up to August 2023
[4] Where there are references to MDS policy these are typically in Local Plans adopted pre-2012 under the ‘old’ PPG system, whereas PDL references typically appear in adopted and emerging Local Plan policy post 2012 under the NPPF regime
[5] The research is based on emerging Local Plan information up to August 2023
[6] Labour shadow chancellor vows to update NPPF in first 100 days in government | Planning Resource
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