423 home appeal success in Hart
09 Oct 2017Lichfields has helped secure outline planning permission for 423 dwellings on a site at Netherhouse Copse, west of Fleet in Hart for Berkeley Strategic. The appeal was granted following a public inquiry that took place in July 2017. The scheme includes 40% affordable housing provision and a community facility as well as a major SANGs provision. Berkeley had appealed against non-determination when Members chose not to grant permission following an officer recommendation to approve.
In his decision, the Inspector found that, irrespective of the five year land supply position (a matter he chose not to pursue any further), the relevant policies relating to local gap and development outside settlement policies were out of date by virtue of them having been formulated based on an out-of-date estimate of development requirements: mirroring circumstances identified in the Supreme Court judgment in the Hopkins Homes case. The Inspector applied the para 14 'tilted balance' and granted permission.
Lichfields had assisted Berkeley on its proposals at Netherhouse Copse for a number of years, including representing it at the examination in public for the now withdrawn Hart Core Strategy, submitting the planning application, coordinating the appeal preparation and giving expert evidence on all planning matters at the public inquiry.
We are delighted to have helped secure this result for Berkeley. The landscape context for the site meant the planning arguments were never straight forward so it is pleasing that the Inspector agreed with the central thrust of our case. This project will deliver new housing in an area with acute affordability problems, as well as other social, economic and environmental benefits.
Matthew Spry, Senior Director, Lichfields