Christopher Darley


Christopher Darley

Senior Director, Head of Office Leeds

BA(Hons); Dip TP; MRTPI
Chris is a Senior Director and head of the Leeds office. 

He has over 20 years of experience as a planning consultant and has detailed knowledge of the Leeds and wider Yorkshire market.  He has a background in providing planning advice to national and regional developers, housebuilders and student residential developers, local authorities and other public bodies across a variety of development sectors.  Specialisms include residential planning, city centre regeneration and project management of major schemes. 
Chris ihas led on planning strategy on some of the most high-profile schemes in the Yorkshire region.  This has included securing permission for 500 homes on a Green Belt site in Burley-in-Wharfedale; an allocation and subsequent detailed permission for over 3.5 million sq.ft of employment space in Doncaster; permission for 1,600 new homes on one of the largest brownfield sites in Leeds and the redevelopment of the former Hudson House site adjacent to the historic city walls in York for a mix of office and residential use.