Viability: Unlocking schemes through the demonstration of viability



Unlocking schemes through the demonstration of viability

Developers are required to engage early on viability issues
Planning policy now front-loads viability to the plan making stage.

In doing so, it ensures that developers/ landowners use local policies to inform the extent of planning obligations associated with development proposals so that these costs can be accounted for when negotiating the price of the land.
Proposals that comply with up-to-date polices are assumed to be viable and so the potential to reconsider viability at the planning application stage is limited.
Viability is becoming increasingly intertwined with planning and plan making.
Historically viability has been led by agents/ valuers. A move towards the front loading of viability at plan making stage has necessitated a change in approach such that it is now a central component of the forward planning process.

The move towards a standardised approach to assessing viability necessitates a greater role for planners and moves away from individual site or development assessments and towards a focus on how viability issues are influenced by other planning considerations.
As a pre-eminent planning and development consultancy, which understands the relationship between planning policy and viability and have extensive experience in assisting clients through the plan making process, we are uniquely placed to help.
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