Braehead Shopping Centre
Following the opening of our Edinburgh office in 2015, Lichfields completed a Sequential Site Assessment across the Glasgow and Clyde Valley area to help secure planning permission for a major mixed-use development to diversify Braehead Shopping Centre offer. The planning permission includes a new events arena, hotel, and over 44,000 square metres of new floorspace for retailers, restaurants, cafes and the like. It would also enhance Braehead Shopping Centre's existing leisure offer which includes Soar: a leisure complex that accommodates one of the longest indoor ski slopes in the UK alongside a multiplex cinema, restaurants and family entertainment facilities. Soar will be flying even higher following remodelling and refurbishment, which Lichfields also obtained planning permission for.
Our centres are constantly evolving to create the right spaces for retailers and customers which in turn helps us to increase dwell time, engagement and overall catchment areas. As Scotland’s largest leisure and retail destination, Braehead Shopping Centre already has a footfall hitting 17 million annually and a total available retail spend of some £10 billion and the planning permissions which Lichfields has helped us to obtain will enable the centre to go from strength to strength.
David Parker, Senior Asset Manager