Bromborough STOR
Welsh Power
On behalf of Welsh Power Group Ltd, Lichfields secured planning permission for the development of a 16MW embedded Short Term Operating Reserve (STOR) and Peak Power generating plant and associated infrastructure in Bromborough. The site is located within an established industrial area immediately adjacent to the River Mersey.
Lichfields conducted pre-application consultation with Wirral Council and subsequently prepared and managed the preparation of the planning application including the review and co-ordination of all technical documents that formed part of the application.
Lichfields prepared the standard application documents including the Design & Access Statement and Planning Statement. This demonstrated that the loss of the site from its employment designation was not contrary to the relevant planning policies and established that the economic benefits, energy security and diversification of energy supply significantly outweighed any impact associated with the development.
Lichfields has been working with Welsh Power since 2011. This permission is one of a suite of permissions that Lichfields has obtained on behalf of Welsh Power for energy generation facilities across the UK. Lichfields continues to provide planning consultancy services to Welsh Power at the site finding, planning and post-determination stages.
John Cottrell, Senior Director, Lichfields