Cameron House Resort, Loch Lomond
The Category B Listed Cameron House on the banks of Loch Lomond is one of Scotland premier hotel and leisure destinations. Lichfields have provided planning and heritage advice to the resort for more than a decade.
In recent years, we have successfully led the preparation, submission and negotiation of applications for planning permission and listed building consent for a number of large-scale developments, including for the formation of an external terrace to the Great Scots Bar in 2016 and the reinstatement of the historic core of Cameron House following a devastating fire in December 2017. Most recently, we have also provided planning support as part of a large multidisciplinary team, including architect 3D Reid, for a major extension at Cameron House to provide a new bedroom and banqueting wing.
The Cameron House Reinstatement project is due to be completed, with the hotel re-opened, in April 2021. The new extension is estimated to be completed by Autumn 2021.
Lichfields has provided sound and professional planning and heritage consultancy services to Cameron House for many years. They have led the planning process on a number of recent projects including for the reinstatement of the historic building following a fire in December 2017. The timescales for preparing the complex applications for Listed Building Consent and Planning Permission and for achieving the relevant permissions were tight and Lichfields worked collaboratively with the Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park Authority and the multi-disciplinary project team to achieve the positive and timely determination of the applications. Likewise, they have also led on the planning to secure permissions for a new bedroom and banqueting extension. We would not hesitate to recommend them.
Andy Roger, Resort Director, Cameron House
Image Credit: 3D Reid