King's Cross Regeneration
Argent LLP
King’s Cross is one of the largest and most exciting redevelopments in London. Outline planning permission was granted in 2006 for 50 buildings, 30 new and 20 listed, 20 new streets, 10 new major public spaces, the restoration and refurbishment of 20 historic buildings and structures and up to 2,000 homes over 27 hectares.
We were delighted to have been asked to assist in bringing forward this development through reserved matters applications for retail, restaurants, offices and residential development across the site – including new flats within the framework of Listed Gasholders and a new Waitrose in a Listed Goods Shed.
We have a unique set of planning and development skills to help tackle the challenges of transforming urban areas. Our team was fully engaged in dealing with the development management process on the King's Cross project, bringing organisation and rigour on some complex matters to assist Argent in delivering an excellent regeneration project.
Simon Slatford, Senior Director, Lichfields
Image credit: Miller Hare