New House Farm, South Derbyshire


New House Farm

South Derbyshire

To help CEG secure the development of land at New House Farm for housing, we promoted the site for allocation through the Local Plan process.  To establish a case, we undertook an in depth analysis of the Council’s housing land supply and Local Plan evidence base.  We subsequently presented this evidence at the South Derbyshire Local Plan Part 1 Examination in Public, and successfully demonstrated that the emerging Local Plan was providing insufficient housing land to achieve a five-year deliverable housing supply, as required by the National Planning Policy Framework.
The outcome of this work was the allocation of the site for the development of up to 1,650 houses in the adopted South Derbyshire Local Plan Part 1 which will help the Council to achieve a five-year supply and meet its housing delivery target over the Plan period.
We are delighted with the work undertaken by Lichfields in promoting land at New House Farm for residential development. Their in-depth knowledge of the issues involved, and the robust case put forward at the Examination in Public, was central to successfully securing the allocation of the site in the South Derbyshire Local Plan Part 1.

Richard Burke, Head of Strategic Development - Midlands, CEG
