Northern West Sussex Growth Assessment
Crawley, Horsham and Mid Sussex Councils
Lichfields produced an economic baseline assessment and generated future economic growth scenarios for this important sub-region and part of the Gatwick Diamond. We looked at how the local economy could evolve and grow in the future, considered the property market demand for different types of commercial premises, and the implications for plan-making by each of the local authorities. Our work also looked specifically at the contribution of Gatwick Airport to Crawley and the wider sub-region in terms of employment and supply-chains.
Lichfields has been excellent to work alongside, being knowledgeable, professional, personable, and flexible in responding to our evolving study requirements and a challenging project timetable. They have produced a robust study that demonstrates a thorough understanding of the local, regional and national economic context.
Senior Planning Officer, Crawley Borough Council
Image credit: Gatwick Airport Limited