Ogden’s Tobacco Factory
Countryside Properties (UK) Ltd and Liverpool Mutual Homes
Lichfields secured planning permission and listed building consent for the redevelopment of the Ogden’s Tobacco Factory Complex in Liverpool. This project included the demolition of the factory buildings, the erection of 133 dwellings, and conversion of the existing Grade II Listed office building into 19 apartments. The factory has been vacant since 2007 and its redevelopment for residential uses represents an efficient use of brownfield land and will bring the listed building back into active use. Planning permission was granted in 2015.
LMH is delighted to be leading this development of the Ogdens factory and office building off West Derby Road, Everton. A former tobacco factory for many years, built in 1899, LMH is about to restore the main factory building into a residential development for 19 apartments. Also in the grounds of the development site we'll be demolishing the existing factory buildings.
Chris Bowen, Development Director, Liverpool Mutual Homes.