Use Classes Order Guide in Wales
Lichfields’ Use Classes Order Guide summarises, in an easy-to-use chart, all the use classes in Wales and how it is possible to change from one use to another without having to apply for planning permission. The table also explains the sui generis uses that lie outside the Use Classes Order. The guide is intended to be used as general guidance only and reference must be made to the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 as amended and the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 as amended, including the insertion of a new use class C4 (houses in multiple occupation), that is now in force. Please contact us if you wish to discuss the updated version of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order that is in force at present.
Lichfields' 'Guide to the Use Classes Order' means that one can see at a glance whether a proposed change of use requires planning permission, and understand the potential scale and scope of permitted development without having to unravel complex legislation.
Arwel Evans, Associate Director, Lichfields