Victoria Way, Ashford
U+I Group PLC
Located in Ashford town centre close to Ashford International train station, the schemes will deliver over 200 new homes, a new hotel, Aldi foodstore and new state-of-the-art brewery.
Operated by Chapel Down, the landmark brewery building will meet the increasing demand for Curious Brew as well as providing a new visitor attraction, shop and restaurant. The brewery and hotel will strengthen Ashford as a place to visit, whilst the new homes and foodstore will support the growing community of Ashford by providing much needed homes and widening shopping choices in the town. The developments will improve the setting of the river Stour and bring a long-standing derelict site back into use.
Lichfields coordinated the three separate planning applications, and prepared the Economic and Sequential Assessments in support of the proposals. The scheme has been designed by Guy Holloway Architects who Lichfields has worked with, alongside U+I on other key regeneration sites in Ashford and Maidstone.
U+I has a strong track records for delivering schemes of real quality that regenerate difficult brownfield sites. We are proud to have been involved on this project which will deliver real placemaking and allow Chapel Down to focus its brewery operations in Ashford.
Hannah Whitney, Planning Director