Yew Tree Farm
Lichfields secured the removal of this 70 hectare site from the West Lancashire Green Belt by justifying exceptional circumstances for its release to provide over 1,000 homes and up to 20 hectares of new employment development.
We then led a detailed masterplanning process involving key stakeholders and prepared and submitted an outline application, including Environmental Statement, for an initial mixed-use scheme on part of the site. The Environmental Statement was externally reviewed by the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment and deemed robust and acceptable. We also co-ordinated the consultation process with members of the public and local councillors.
Approval in principle was granted in January 2016.
This is a fantastic example of how we can bring added value to a project and our clients. We worked hard for years to secure the release of the site from the Green Belt and were delighted with the outcome following a successful masterplanning process. This project showcases many of Lichfields' core services including planning, land promotion, economics, consultation and Environmental Impact Assessment.
Simon Pemberton, Senior Director, Lichfields
Image credit: IBI