Making the Economic Case for Development
Economic growth is a fundamental priority for central government and local authorities, and a core objective of national planning policy regimes throughout the UK.
In England, there is a legislative imperative: the Localism Act 2011 clarified that local finance considerations are material to the determination of a planning application, and the Housing and Planning Act 2016 requires local authorities to report financial benefits in determining applications.
Further, devolution enhances the ability of local authorities to capture financial proceeds from development and re-invest to support delivery of infrastructure and public services.
The challenge is clear: developers and local authorities need to understand and articulate how development sustains a competitive national economy, whilst also delivering significant local benefits for residents, businesses and the local authority.
As usual, Lichfields proved themselves to be the market leaders. They speak in plain English and their reports present complex topics in a very digestible way.
Chelmsford City Council

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