A Housing Land Requirement of 19,811 was identified by SESplan for West Lothian between 2009 and 2024. Based on the 2020 Housing Land Audit and using the average method, West Lothian began the earlier stages of the plan with a shortfall, however, this switches to a surplus as the completions increase substantially from 2019. This results in a positive performance as the five-year supply surpasses the five-year requirement from 2019 onwards. In contrast, there is a significant shortfall using the residual method as a result of the lower number of completions against the annual requirement up until 2021. This results in a substantial increase in the compounded annual housing land requirement. Whilst the projected completions are due to increase substantially in the coming years, it is unlikely West Lothian would meet the overall housing need based on the residual method.
West Lothian
(shortfall to surplus)

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