Barton Farm


Barton Farm

CALA Homes (South) Ltd

Lichfields was appointed by CALA Homes (South) Ltd to carry out research on the need for housing in Winchester to support its representations to the emerging Core Strategy, and to present evidence to the appeal in respect of its proposals north of Winchester.
The 2,000-dwelling urban extension had been the focus of CALA’s successful High Court challenge to the Secretary of State’s attempted revocation of Regional Strategies. Our study applied a range of demographic, economic and housing factors to a number of scenarios of future housing requirement in the district. We also assessed the economic impacts of different levels of future housing provision.
At the subsequent public inquiry Lichfields gave expert evidence on the role of Barton Farm proposals in helping to meet the need for housing in Winchester and in delivering an appropriate mix of dwellings.
We were extremely pleased to support CALA Homes on this high stakes project and were delighted when our analysis and evidence – demonstrating there was a housing need in Winchester – was pivotal in the Government’s eventual decision to release this important site.

Matthew Spry, Senior Director, Lichfields