Berwick Infirmary
Kier Construction and Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Kier Construction asked Lichfields to advise from the outset on the redevelopment of the Berwick Infirmary to provide a new £25 million purpose-built hospital offering integrated health and social care at the existing site. Being located in a Conservation Area and close to a Scheduled Monument, one of Lichfields’ key tasks is to demonstrate the proposals preserve and enhance the Conservation Area and the setting of the Scheduled Monument. Working alongside the design team the scheme is being drawn up in consultation with Northumberland County Council and the local community. Lichfields led the community consultation exercise meeting with the community, Town Council and other key local stakeholders.
While the scheme raises a number of complex planning issues, it will deliver a significant enhancement in healthcare provision in the Berwick area and is a tremendous project to be involved in.
Jonathan Wallace, Senior Director, Lichfields
Image credit: Google Earth