Brighton College


Brighton College

Client: Brighton College

Lichfields has advised Brighton College for many years and has successfully secured planning permission and listed building consent for a number of award-winning buildings. The site is sensitive, being located within a Conservation Area and containing listed buildings, some of which were designed by renowned architects including George Gilbert Scott. Lichfields undertook a detailed heritage and planning appraisal, which informed the masterplan and assisted discussions with the Council. Lichfields subsequently obtained planning permission and listed building consent for New House, Jackson Tower, the Music and Drama School, a teaching block and the Sports and Science Building, which combined provides some 12,000 square meters of new floorspace.
Sports & Science is the largest of the proposed buildings. Lichfields coordinated a highly successful public exhibition to which the school community, neighbours and other stakeholders were invited. The public support obtained at the exhibition was invaluable in helping to secure planning permission for this important building.
Lichfields has assisted the College over the years to deliver a number of award-winning buildings on our historic campus. They approach each project with sensitivity and professionalism.

Stephen Patten, Projects Director, Brighton College

Image credit: Fisher Hart