Brighton Marina
Land Securities PLC
Brighton Marina represents the single largest regeneration opportunity in Brighton, and is a major component of the city’s plans to meet its housing needs. However, it is a complicated and challenging project.
Lichfields has advised Land Securities and the predecessor owners/ developers of the site for some years, including giving evidence to a Public Inquiry in 2009. The most recent work was focused upon shaping a new residential-led regeneration of the Marina which will complement an ongoing development on an adjacent part of the site, and remodel the existing leisure offer of the Marina. The £300 million proposal is for 1,000 new homes and 16,500 square metres of new leisure facilities, plus underground car parking.
We carried out a viability appraisal to underpin a successful objection to a City Council policy in its draft Local Plan, which would have restricted any development to below the cliff height, and presented this evidence at Examination. Lichfields has subsequently supported Land Securities on prospective funding bids to address the up-front infrastructure cost challenges the scheme faces, including the need to renew historic sea defences and fund utility upgrades.
This is exactly the type of project where Lichfields most excels. It is complex and gives rise to a wide range of planning, design and economic challenges – all of which require our ability to manage the largest projects, and the specialist planning and development skills that Lichfields brings to the market.
Matthew Spry, Senior Director, Lichfields