Broadmoor Farm, Saltash
Broadmoor Farm is one of Cornwall’s most exciting strategic housing projects; one that Lichfields has been working on with CEG. The site’s location, scale and the inherent landscape qualities present a unique opportunity to develop a high quality, sustainable, mixed-use community where people will want to live.
The aim is to create a highly desirable environment which is a first choice on all levels: outstanding new homes that draw upon the local Cornish vernacular, quality infrastructure, distinctive and extensive open spaces, education, local employment and comprehensive services. Additional facilities include a neighbourhood centre, a community hall, shared public orchards, allotments and imaginative children’s play areas as well as outdoor sports amenities, cycle paths and walking routes for use by existing local residents. Engagement with local people was a cornerstone of Lichfields’ approach to this project.
Lichfields’ masterplan for Broadmoor Farm has gained outline planning consent and we are now working upon the first phases of delivery.
This was a rewarding project for us; it enabled several strands of our work to be drawn together to create an attractive new place. It required several imaginative solutions to address significant site constraints. The local interaction and feedback was another positive part of the project for CEG.