Development Strategy
Thirteen Group
Thirteen Group – one of the largest Registered Providers of social housing in the country – asked Lichfields to produce a strategy document setting out their ambitions for implementing their development programme. The Strategy was Thirteen’s blueprint for supporting communities to live the best possible life they can live now and for future generations. This meant thinking about initiatives and the tools available, how homes are designed, improved and maintained, and providing the greatest choice at the most affordable level. The Strategy considered the political and economic challenges, whilst also exploring the opportunities available for Thirteen to exploit.
To support the Strategy we also prepared two daughter documents: one looked at how Thirteen could implement its Strategy through working collaboratively with existing and new public and private sector partners; and the other explored their pipeline of development projects and how they could be more creative in delivery to be successful.
When we first engaged Lichfields it was an unusually challenging time for us: we were beginning to develop a new plan and vision to move forward - no small accomplishment. With Lichfields’ support we successfully brought a fresh new perspective to our Strategy. Lichfields helped us to understand the economic impact of our development programme; and challenged our approach to supporting our communities, and whether it could be achieved by working differently. The collaboration with Lichfields helped us to focus on our priorities and to work to our strengths.