Edinburgh Village Urban Resort
Village Hotel Club
Lichfields was instrumental in obtaining planning permission for Village Hotel Club’s first 'Urban Resort’ in Scotland. Located on Crewe Road South in Edinburgh, the development saw the regeneration of a prominent vacant office building. The scheme, designed by Edinburgh based architects, forms part of the ‘Village Urban Resort’ concept and comprises a 120 bedroom hotel, food and drink uses, including a Starbucks Coffee shop, and conferencing facilities. Lichfields prepared the planning application for the scheme, organised public consultation events and led negotiations on the Section 75 planning contributions.
We are delighted to have assisted Village Hotel Club in rolling out their flagship Urban Resort concept, the first of its type in Scotland. It is particularly exciting to see the Edinburgh Village Urban Resort opened to the public, having played a key role in the planning process from inception to completion.
Jonathan Wallace, Senior Director, Lichfields
Image credit: Northern Creative Limited