Hounsome Fields
Wates Developments Ltd
The masterplanning of Hounsome Fields had to address the countryside setting of the south western approach to Basingstoke and the site’s topography and woodlands, with the need to deliver housing, community and leisure facilities, and open spaces. Flexibility for future growth of Basingstoke, towards Manydown, had to be incorporated. Lichfields’ masterplan provides for up to 750 dwellings, a neighbourhood centre, primary school, open spaces and a safeguarded route for future growth. Central to the scheme is a linear park which connects existing woodland spaces with the school, neighbourhood centre, new orchards, allotments, children’s play areas and outdoor sports facilities; and is accessible via footpaths and cycle routes linked to the existing public right of way network.
The masterplan will help deliver the Council’s vision for South West Basingstoke. Committee Councillors commented that this was a well thought-out and presented scheme and outline planning permission has been granted.
The woodlands within and around the site created a strong green framework in which to develop a distinctive new place, surrounded by clusters of housing to create smaller communities. Challenges included the need to incorporate a protected area for a major link road. We were very pleased with the positive reaction of both the client and council to our design.
Nick Thompson, Senior Director, Lichfields