New Square
West Bromwich
Spen Hill Developments Ltd
Lichfields is proud of the development planning role it played in the creation and delivery of New Square West Bromwich, working for Tesco in a highly collaborative manner with Sandwell Council and other stakeholders throughout its planning and implementation.
Lichfields informed the planning strategy and promoted the site allocation and scheme through the plan-making and development management processes, including plan examinations and a Compulsory Purchase inquiry. We undertook considerable pre-application engagement, prepared the various outline, hybrid and reserved matters applications, including the Retail and Regeneration Assessments, and co-ordinated the Environmental Impact Assessment.
The 53,000 square meter development, comprising a Tesco Extra store, Primark, over thirty smaller shops, cinema, restaurants and a soft play centre, is now an integral part of an expanded West Bromwich town centre and has enhanced the town centre’s vitality and viability.
New Square is a fantastic example of a local authority and development team working together, from inception to completion, to provide a regeneration scheme that truly transforms a town centre.
Steven Butterworth, Senior Director, Lichfields
Image credit: Carew-Cox