(shortfall to surplus)
Glasgow has a housing land requirement of 48,490 between 2012 and 2029. Based on the average method, Glasgow begins with a fairly substantial shortfall in the earlier stages of the plan period, with this resolving itself by 2019 based on projected completions in the 2019 HLA.
In contrast, the residual method results in consistent shortfall due to a lower number of completions in the early part of the plan period. This has resulted in the compounded five year requirement increasing over the years to meet previous underdelivery, albeit the requirement begins to reduce from 2018 as the projected supply increases. While the average method shows a positive performance in the latter stages of the plan, there is uncertainty that Glasgow will meet overall identified housing need by the end of the plan period due to the shortfall from previous years unless a significant number of completions, as is identified in the projected completions, are continued into the latter stages of the plan period.