South Lanarkshire has an identified housing land requirement of 18,640 between 2012 and 2029. Early on in the plan period South Lanarkshire were in a slight deficit based on both the residual and average method due to a lower number of completions. However, by 2015, South Lanarkshire was in a surplus based on both methods and, based on the 2019 Housing Land Audit, is projected to continue through the remainder of the plan period should the programmed completions be met, giving the authority a greater 5 year supply vs the requirement. Indeed, South Lanarkshire would be performing better based on the residual method from 2020 as the method takes into account the significant number of past and programmed completions which are above the annual housing land requirement. Based on both methods, assuming the completions projected in the HLA are correct, South Lanarkshire is on track to meeting the overall housing need with an increased surplus based on both methods.
South Lanarkshire
(increased surplus)

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