Fit for Purpose: Assessing Open Space and Recreational Needs

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Fit for Purpose: Assessing Open Space and Recreational Needs

Fit for Purpose: Assessing Open Space and Recreational Needs

Josh Hymer 14 Dec 2016
Do you need help establishing open space and recreational needs for your local authority; or for your development project?

Introducing: Fit for Purpose.

NLP’s new ‘Fit for Purpose’ methodology is assisting public and privately sector clients plan more effectively for future needs. 

Fit for Purpose works by combining GIS mapping capabilities and catchment area analysis and presenting the quantifiable demand of additional facilities required in the local area through a tangible, accessible and clear infographic report seeking to offer practical ways forward.

The UK is an increasingly health conscious nation. UK gym membership is at an all-time high[1], the number of adults playing sports once a week is up 1.75 million over the past decade[2] and the Leisure Sector in the UK is now worth an estimated £60billion per annum[3].

This sectorial momentum shows no sign of abating, with Experian projecting that Leisure expenditure per person will increase by 25% over the next decade.

Despite this growing demand, NLP’s research shows, many local planning authorities’ do not have robust and up-to-date assessments of the need for sports and recreation facilities, as required by the NPPF, and are therefore struggling to determine what provision is required now and in the future.

Similarly, promoters and developers of large scale residential developments are being asked to contribute through CIL/ and planning obligations, or through the delivery of green infrastructure to meet the needs of new resident. Determining these requirements in different contexts can be complex.

In response, to this challenge, NLP has developed Fit for Purpose; an innovative cost efficient and robust methodology for quantifying existing and future needs for sport and recreational facilities within any defined area.

Think you could benefit from Fit for Purpose? Find out more about how NLP can help, and how to get in contact here.

[1] State of the UK Fitness Industry Report 2016,

[2] Sport England,

[3] Experian

