Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 - Local Place Plans

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Planning (Scotland) Act 2019  - Local Place Plans

Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 - Local Place Plans

Nicola Woodward 17 Sept 2019
The Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 was placed on the statute book at the end of July and Local Place Plans are new. Before preparing a Local Development Plan (LDP) the planning authority are now to invite local communities to prepare an LPP stating the timescales that are to be adhered to if they are to be taken into consideration in the preparation of the LDP and assistance available to prepare them.
A community body may prepare an LPP.  An LPP is a proposal as to the development or use of land.  It may also identify land and buildings that the community body considers to be of particular significance to the local area.  In preparing an LPP, a community body must:

  • have regard to (i) the local development plan for the land, or any part of the land, to which the local place plan relates, (ii) the National Planning Framework, (iii) such other matters (if any) as are prescribed,
  • set out reasons for considering that the local development plan should be amended, and
  • comply with any prescribed requirements as to (i) the form and content of the plan, and (ii) steps which must be taken before preparing the plan.
It is not clear yet who in addition to local councillors are to be consulted in the making of an LPP.  There does not appear to be any examination or vote on an LPP unlike the English Neighbourhood Plans.
Scottish Ministers are to review LPPs every 7 years.

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