This proposed development plan can recalibrate how development happens in this city, positively shaping how our Capital grows and changes over the next 10 years and beyond.
Councillor Neil Gardiner, Planning Convener
The City of Edinburgh Council has agreed to publish the Proposed Local Development Plan, City Plan 2030, for public consultation. This consultation follows the ‘Choices for City Plan 2030’ consultation which took place in early 2020.
The City of Edinburgh Council formally adopted its first LDP in November 2016. The replacement LDP is to be called City Plan 2030 and consultation on this highly anticipated document will take place for 6 weeks between 7 November and 19 December 2021. The publication of the proposed plan has been delayed on several occasions since August 2020 due to a range of factors, with consultation on the plan process initially having started back in 2018.
The proposed City Plan 2030 “sets out sustainable future direction of development in Edinburgh” and seeks to address climate change, affordability, providing more houses and jobs, as well as transportation matters. The proposed LDP provides new place, environment and design, housing and economy policies.
Brownfield first approach
Carbon neutral buildings in line with the Net Zero 2030 ambition
Implementation of climate change mitigation and adaption
A minimum of 35 % affordable housing provisions
Restrictions on loss of housing to other uses including short-term lets
Creation of 20-minute walkable neighbourhoods
Development, excluding alterations, extensions and domestic outbuildings, should provide at least 20% of the site for open space
Adopting an infrastructure first approach, directing new development to where infrastructure already exists.
Delivering Edinburgh’s key economic land use needs as part of housing led mixed use developments.
Deliver housing on 50% of larger commercial development sites
New Place Policies
Edinburgh Council has opted to pursue a brownfield first strategy through the inclusion of large mixed-use housing led allocations for new neighbourhoods within Edinburgh City Centre, Edinburgh West and Edinburgh Waterfront as well as sites at Seafield, Redford Barracks, Astley Ainslie, Edinburgh BioQuarter, Liberton Hospital, Bonnington and Fettes.
No green field or green belt sites are identified for new housing and many of the brownfield sites allocated already have existing and active uses.
New Environment and Design Policies
These policies include requirements for carbon neutral buildings, future adaptation by embedding water management, biodiversity, green and blue infrastructure within developments and increased in open space requirements for new developments.
The proposed plan also supports the Scottish Government’s 20-minute walkable neighbourhood vision.
New Housing Policies
The draft plan increases the minimum rate of affordable housing contribution for any new development from 25% to 35 %, as well as measures to restrict the loss of residential properties for short-term lets. The proposed policy on short-term lets ties into separate consultation currently being undertaken by the City of Edinburgh council regarding the whole of Edinburgh becoming a short-term let control area.
In addition, the plan introduces a requirement to deliver housing as part of larger commercial development sites.
New Economy Policies
The proposed plan introduces new and updated economy policies which the Council state will promote inclusive growth by supporting development that contributes towards addressing poverty and inequality, Edinburgh City Centre Transformation, cultural festivals, events throughout the city, universities, colleges and life science research.
Lichfields is proposing to complete a short series of blogs around the key points raised in the draft LDP, including around housing and the 20-minute neighbourhood. If you want us to make a representation on your behalf to any of the proposed policies or allocations or are looking for planning advice the implications of the proposed LDP please get in touch with our Edinburgh office.